Saturday, May 09, 2020

Preventative health care

Cross subscription health service where we pay a monthly fee for unlimited access to doctors it's heavily technology-enabled where pharmacy lab tests are integrated and we always have access to text based and chat based medical advice I believe this is like having a personal doctor always with you with in-home care and also access to doctors at our fingertips this project is not only about during but this is also about preventative measures like it focuses heavily on preventative healthcare rather than curing it is heavily technology-enabled where the weight the vitals are tracked through technology as opposed to doctors electronic health records where we have to go annually to see a doctor and it's written in charts have to see if India has updates for projects like this

Access to equity markets for Indian consumers

In India, people do not invest in equities one due to lack of trust and another reason is they don't know where to start. However in US people even with limited savings are invested in equity markets. There is access to consumer-level products like betterment which are robotic advisors. Have to investigate whether people have an appetite for products like a robotic advisor. Another flavor of this idea would be to target high net worth individuals who are not exposed to the equity market or the individuals who are already exposed to the equity market but do not have access and transparency provided for by platform like Versaquant. 


The idea is to establish a school that unrelated Lee high earning people in the growing part of the Hyderabad. 

How to build personal brand image?

1. Create an impressive online image. At least, remove anything which might have a negative impact on the image which is trying to project for example if you aspire to be an actor do not have a profile that highlights you as an engineer or a technician.
2. Have any area of expertise and share it with the people. The most effective way would be to create a one-hour webinar and half an hour webinar. Present it to as many groups as possible. The key is not to make a new presentation every time. Have one talk which can be reused. I was personally thinking about creating a web and R on self-directed 401 K which can which enables people to raise projects money for projects in emerging markets. Present this webinar at various Indian groups.
3. You should have a way for people to contact you from an online presence. We should collect this data in CRM and collect people's interests.
4. You should also have a periodic newsletter that is of value to your target customers.
5. Once ebranch is successfully established in the communities which you are interested in. We can start our marketing activities.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

How to distrubute your time?

24 Hrs   =
8       + 8         + 8
Work +    Sleep    +    (3F+3H+3S)

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Faith


  • Health
  • Hobby
  • Hygeine


  • Soul
  • Service
  • Smile

Monday, December 26, 2016

How to make better Decision

  1. Loss Aversion leads to bolder decisions
  2. Role of Frontal lobe in decision making, we are able to 
  3. We post rationalize that it was a great choice all along
Watch out for loss/gain situations
Write(Stress WRITE) down options, leads to a more systematic approach.
Recognize emotions are a part of decision making, acknowledge then attack.
Remember that you try to rationalize the bad choices made.

Idea: Whats for lunch?

 For single guy who almost always eat lunch outside at office
App which is like a dail which will show a new lunch place . around your location.. Get the check in data
from yelp and FS to determine where you have been recently..
Suggest a cuisine.. and then ask people to suggest a restaurant then tell them to check in foursquare.. 

[Idea] Citizen Police work

Disclaimer: Credit for this idea goes to my brother Vinay..

Crowd-sourcing, Wikinomics, many names one to principle. In my words this means, decentralizing the effort, engage expertise from non-traditional sources and solicit micro-contributions from large numbers.

Social retail experience:Idea..[TODO]

Here is my problem. I don't like to shop and even when I do I get pretty indecisive about the style color and fit. Shopping is a tedious experience for me. Yes, it is for most non metro sexual men.

So how can we get the social collaborative experience of shopping into the physical stores? When we shop online its pretty straight forward, we share the links online and then post it to our social networks where its super simple to get the feedback. There are also some great tools like the where they try to recreate dress room experience online.

But how can we take the social experience to the shop floor, more of a reverse integration. Can we offer some social platform for the shoppers to be able to recreate the shopping experience on the floor?

How can we do it now with the current status quo?

  1. Walk into the shop
  2. Select a shirt
  3. Try it on 
  4. Click a pic
  5. Send it to friends and wait for response.
Pretty straight forward nothing wrong. But some how it all sounds a bit crude to me. Here is what I would like to see. 
  1. Walk into a store
  2. Select a shirt
  3. Open the app (Chance for the retailer here?)
  4. Scan the QR code
  5. Which post it to my group for counsel
  6. Get the comments
  7. Try the top ones
  8. Send a pic. 
  9. Voila buy the top one..
More to come

Freakonomics: How to be more productive Notes? Team and Personal Productivity

To create a productive teams
  1. Psychological Safety- Ability to fail freely among team members.
  2. Dependability - Team members need to know they can depend on one another.
  3. Teams need to believe that their work is important. 
  4. Teams need to feel that their work is personally meaningful. 
  5. Teams need to clear goals and defined roles. 

How many projects are optimal for makers (People like me)?
    People who were more productive were working on new and exciting projects and there are around 4-5 projects. 


S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Achievable.
R - Realistic
T - Timeline

Ways to organize goals. 
Stretch Goal and Short term Goals.
Need to have Stretch goal and short term goals which add up to that.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

[Explanation] What is the goal of Quora credits?

I answered this question on Quora, it has been a while and given my limited understanding of working of currency and economics. Here is my take on the topic. You can find other answers here on Quora

Its just like currency, Imagine a world where you can print unlimited money i.e. where everything is free. It would not be self sustainable. Everything has a cost associated with it i.e. No free Beer in this world. To make an ecosystem which regulates itself internally, like Quora does there should be a limiting factor. This can be external like moderators, what yahoo did. Internal like Stack overflow/Quora. When every action is associated with a cost with limiting resources, people tend to (atleast rationally speaking) will use this in a most optimized way (what is most useful for them). The system becomes self regualted...
I was  pretty happy with the response and the acceptance so far. Please vote my answer up if you like it.. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Character is most often built during those moments between activities, during moments of solitude and reflection.
We are rarely bored these days.. No time to think and reflect, too much information no creativity.. 
When you get bored yeah next video please.. I remember reading, creator of peanuts say my best work has come out when I am bored too sad people rarely get bored these days.. Yeah we get bored but we are mentally always occupied with something on the screen.. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Art Project Idea: Customize the headphones

I am bored of the same old black head phones with no character. There are many colorful ones offered but they are expensive and too jazzy. I decided to customize my sennheiser hd202 head phones..

I did not finalize on the design yet but here is some literature I collected on head phone customization.

How to dismantle sennheiser hd202:

Website on how to customize the head phones:

1. Finalize on a simple design
2. List all the raw material and equipment
3. Order everything from the list
4. Write down step by step process on how to do it.
5. Implement each step.
6. Gloat.:)